Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekly Organic Foods

This spring we've decided to join a local organic produce delivery service, J&P Organics. Every week they deliver a box of produce to a nearby location where I can walk with my hungry munchkin to pick up the goods. This week our box consists of many baby friendly options: Peas, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, onion, kale, spinach, yams, potatoes, carrots, and eggs.

A small sampling of the produce I got this week.

I've never cooked with kale before, so let me know if you have any great recipe ideas!

I am planning on serving hard boiled organic, free range eggs today to my hungry munchkin. Babies are not supposed to eat egg whites until they are older than one year. The easiest way to prepare an egg sans white is to hard boil it and then pop out the yoke. You can mash up the yoke and mix it with other things such as cooked and soft or pureed veggies. Apparently egg yokes freeze well, but I haven't tried doing it yet. Another way to prepare eggs is to do a yoke scramble with various baby appropriate fixins. I'll let you know how it goes!

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